Thursday, February 28, 2013


Did you just finish writing your very first novel? Are you looking to self-publish your work for the world to see? If so, you're probably wondering what you need to do next.

Having recently self-published my first novel in October 2012, I can tell you that holding your masterpiece in your hands for the very first time is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. To see your hard labor come to fruition makes the blood, sweat, and tears all worth it.

Writing a book was something I've wanted to do since I was a child. I wanted to see if I could actually do it. Well, I did. I won't say it was easy, but I had a marvelous time creating my stories. Fictional characters became real to me as I developed their personalities. They spoke to me and invited me to share their journeys as each plot unfolded. They made me laugh and cry, but most of all, they led me to where I am today, a self-published author.

Why didn't I pursue the traditional publishing route? I did, actually. But after considerable research, I learned that I needed to accomplish several things first. I needed to introduce myself to the writing world, the readers, and other authors in my genre. I did this through the use of social media and what I've learned is invaluable to my career as a writer.

You see, readers are similar to traditional publishers in that when readers buy my book, they are making an investment in me as an author. Therefore, it is my job to produce quality stories that will touch their lives for a long time. It is also my job to show my readers that I will be in contact in with them and to let them know how much I appreciate them. After all, they are the reason I continue to write. When a traditional agent makes that same investment, it is because the author has proven his or her ability to communicate with readers via social media, write quality novels, and heavily market those novels. 

After spending hours scouring the Internet for pros and cons on the art of self-publishing, I stepped on a gold mine. I found an online webinar hosted by +Steven Lewis, a journalist and writer of over 20 years. I learned everything I needed to know to ensure my first self-publishing experience was a success. So, if you are a new author looking for sound advice, the Taleist Centre is an excellent place to start. I have a feeling you won't be disappointed.

Once I had the inside scoop of the art of self-publishing, I plunged into the social media aspect and created a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads. I haven't stopped there, but these platforms were an excellent start for me. They can be for you too as you begin your journey as a new self-published author.


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